Family Constellation Therapist
Holistic Counsellor
Intuitive Healer

The answers we seek, to support our journey towards wholeness and healing are rarely attained by working solely with the mind.
The answers are often hidden within subconscious and unconscious terrain.
Within your body.
The only way to access information from your body, is to bypass the mind.
Soul work can not be intellectualised.
You may not understand the know how with your mind, but you will feel it in your body.
From allowing your body to guide me, I will support you to achieve your intention towards health and happiness.
I am Sol.
Heart led and dedicated to my practice.
My gift is to be able to perceive hidden information.
I see, feel and hear energy that's held in your body.
Words that are longing to be expressed, suppressed emotions that have been passed down over many generations.
From simply allowing, what is held in your body, to be seen, felt and acknowledged, the process of healing begins.
It is gentle, deep and profound.
My personal journey of healing has been a central teacher in my development as both a person and a practitioner.
I have firsthand experience in working through my own fears, anxieties, depression and health challenges, and was always drawn to healing modalities that transcend the limitations of the mind.​
It was through understanding the concept of inherited generational and how the body holds onto unresolved issues, I found the path to freedom.
Not only supporting profound changes within myself but also bringing resolution and peace to the untold stories and unfelt emotions of my ancestors.
If you are tired of repeating your story or talking about your issues, I would be honoured to assist you in exploring a different approach.
This is my offering.
I acknowledge my ancestors, for their wisdom and guidance in my healing journey.
I acknowledge those within my family lineage, that suffered a difficult fate.
I acknowledge those who died by tragic circumstances.
I am deeply sorry!
I acknowledge my father. I am so honoured that we were able to make amends before he crossed over. I'm so grateful to be able to feel him with me and know how close he really is.
I acknowledge my mother. The most courageous person I know. I didn't understand her for a long time. This work gave me a different lens. I acknowledge how difficult her fate was and all that she endured. I am grateful to be close her now.
I acknowledge the brother, I never met. If it wasn't for this work. I would not know of his existence. I feel you, I see you, and you truly belong.
I acknowledge my teachers.
I acknowledge the pain and suffering I have endured to get to where I am today. I acknowledge how grateful I am for my gifts.
I choose to honour my ancestors, by choosing me, and doing things differently.
I acknowledge that it is not easy, to heal and break generational patterns.
I also acknowledge how incredibly worth it is
there is no greater gift then to know and love yourself.

Acknowledgment of Country

I acknowledge, those who came first.
The traditional owners of this land.
The Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation.
I acknowledge their ways, their stories, their connection with the land.
I acknowledge all that was endured and taken away.
I acknowledge the pain and suffering, their strength and courage.
I am so deeply sorry....
I acknowledge and pay my respects to the elders, past, present and future.​
And to all First Nations people who are part of this community.